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There are plenty of objectors to divine healing out there saying that it's too hard and that this stuff doesn't work. If you want to hear what they are saying (with responses), refer to the Objections overruled! section.

However, the fact is that healing works! The "gospel of healing" is producing fruit all over the world right now. People are receiving "faith to be healed" by hearing the gospel (like the man at Lystra in Acts 14:7-10) and rising up healed. The Lord is still healing the blind, the deaf and the crippled. Thousands at once get healed in large crusades overseas. Undeniable miracles are happening now. You really have to deliberately stick your head in the sand to believe that faith for healing doesn't work or it's too hard. If it's too hard, how are these people getting healed? Why are there testimonies everywhere of people being healed by the power of God when Jesus Christ is preached? Don't let anyone talk you out of it -- divine healing works! I can testify to this from experience, and it's too late to convince me or anyone else who's been healed this way that it doesn't work! People in churches all over the world are believing they receive healing when they pray and getting it!

If you need healing, go where healing is going on! You won't be in much shape to receive healing if you listen to anti-healing radio programs and read anti-healing books. Get around people of like precious faith who will encourage you to stand your ground. Get around people who have their own testimonies of how they got healed; they can probably help you get your healing! Get around people who know that divine healing through faith in Christ's atonement works. Go where they preach healing, not unbelief. Read books on healing. Get tapes on healing. Immerse yourself in it until faith comes and unbelief leaves. It may not happen overnight, but if you keep at it, faith for healing will come.

If you go places where you can see people's faith for healing working, it will be a tremendous encouragement to your own faith. If you stay in some dead, dry church that doesn't believe that the power of God is for this age, you'll be dragged down with their unbelief. (Unbelief, like faith, comes by hearing preaching!) Just because it doesn't work there is no proof that it doesn't work any more than the fact that it didn't work at Nazareth proves that it didn't work anywhere else.

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