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God wouldn't heal Paul's thorn in the flesh
Job was a godly man, yet God let him get sick
Paul told Timothy to drink wine instead of believing God for healing
Paul left Trophimus at Miletum sick instead of healing him
If you could always get healed, you would live forever, and God says you won't
Isaiah 53:4 (Matthew 8:17) was fulfilled in Jesus' earth ministry and cannot be claimed as a promise by Christians today
The man in John 9 was born blind, and that was God's will
By Jesus' stripes we were spiritually, not physically, healed
Paul first preached at Galatia due to a physical infirmity
Jesus healed and did miracles to prove his deity
Healing and miracles are not for this current dispensation
If we have this faith and authority, we should go empty hospitals
We cannot demand healing from God because God is sovereign
God works all things for good (Romans 8:28); this includes sickness
Sickness can be the chastening of the Lord
The doctrine of faith healing sends many to early graves because they don't take medicine when they need it
It's up to God -- God will heal me if he wants to
Jesus redeemed us from disease, but the fulfillment of that won't come until we get glorified bodies
Our bodies are not yet redeemed, so we are still subject to sickness
If we are subject to death, we are subject to sickness
Many do not get healed after prayer is made for their healing
Many who are "in faith" for their healing die anyway
I tried that faith stuff, and it didn't work
Some who get healed at healing crusades don't keep their healing
Our bodies wear out. Even some healing ministers wear glasses!
Groaning as our outward man perishes is part of this life (2 Cor 4:16-5:4)
David said that it was GOOD that he was afflicted; so it can be with us
So-and-so had a vision where Jesus said that a relative who died in the prime of life was called home by God and had finished his course
Saying, "I am healed" when you are actually sick is lying, and therefore sin
Laying hands on the sick is not part of the Great Commission
God does great miracles only during crucial times in history
Healing will not be available UNIVERSALLY until the Millennium
God meets your spiritual needs, not your physical needs
Sickness can be proof of God's special favor
Sickness is one "cross" we must bear
Sickness, while unpleasant, is used by God to build character
God uses sickness to draw us closer to himself
God gets glory from our patient endurance of sickness
God uses so-and-so powerfully because she was paralyzed when she was young
God only heals some at healing crusades, thus proving it is not his will to heal all
Jesus didn't heal everyone in his earthly ministry; he left many sick at the Pool of Bethesda
Jesus did only what he saw the Father do. He only saw the Father heal ONE person at the Pool of Bethesda.
Jesus told a Greek woman NO when she came for deliverance for her daughter
All Christians are clearly told that they will suffer in this life
God sometimes heals you only after he has let you suffer a while (1 Peter 5:10)
Long life is not a New Testament blessing
James said to say, "If the Lord will, we shall live." This proves that we cannot claim long life.
Healing is a side issue that does not deserve to be emphasized so much
We need to fulfill what is left of Christ's sufferings in the earth (Col 1:24)
Disease viruses are part of God's creation and are therefore good, even though we often don't think so when we catch them
As many doctors can tell you, many people make themselves sick -- it has nothing to do with the devil
To preach that Jesus COULD NOT do miracles at Nazareth is to deny his deity and God's sovereignty. Therefore, the only reason he could not would be that people did not bring the sick.
Mark 16:9-20 was not in some early manuscripts
God's healing covenant in the Law of Moses was only for the Jews
Gal 3:13 means that Christ redeemed us from the law, which was a curse, not the "curse" in Deuteronomy 28
The curse of the Law was given to Israel, not to us. We cannot be redeemed from it because we were never under it.
Gal 3:13's "curse" speaks of spiritual death, not sickness or poverty
Greats of faith were stoned, sawn asunder, slain, destitute, afflicted and tormented. Therefore, we can be too, even if we have great faith like theirs.
Heb 11:39 proves that you can have faith and NOT receive the promises
We know that God did not heal Paul, because he said that he bore marks in his body (Gal 6:17)
God heals in his own way in his own time
It wasn't God's time to heal the beggar at the gate Beautiful in Jesus' ministry; he had to wait for Peter and John
Jesus literally said to "keep on asking." Therefore, we should bug God like the widow in Jesus' parable.
We cannot say that we can do the acts that the apostles did, because we cannot write Scripture, and they did
God works in mysterious ways, his wonders to perform. We'll never know why God lets some people stay sick.
Many are the afflictions of the righteous
Just as we will never have victory over sin in this life, we will never have victory over sickness
We are promised tribulation in this world
We are supposed to glory in tribulations and count them all joy (Romans 5:3, James 1:2-4)
You should not try to hurry out of trials (like sickness), because they are more precious than gold (1Peter 1:7)
It rains on the just as well as the unjust (Matthew 5:45)
God creates dumb, deaf and blind people (Exodus 4:11)
The LORD stopped Sarah from having children (Genesis 16:2)
God afflicted Jacob with a hip problem (Genesis 32:25, 31)
You can't say that God never puts sickness on the righteous. He killed David's child.
Rather than claiming healing, we should just have "the faith of Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego"
We should, like Paul, learn to be content in every situation
We are supposed to thank God for everything, which would include sickness (1 Thess 5:18)
Lazarus was sick for the glory of God (John 11:4)
God does not heal all because he didn't heal Isaac or Jacob of bad eyesight
God creates both the day of prosperity and the day of adversity (Ecclesiastes 7:14)
The earth is under a curse because of Adam, so sickness will continue until Jesus returns
Jesus bore our sorrows and griefs, not our sicknesses and pains, on the cross
Only part of Isaiah 53 refers to the Atonement, not the healing part
If healing is in Christ's atonement, sick people must be unsaved
We don't have to keep getting saved like we have to keep getting healed, so healing can't be in the Atonement
Healing is a secondary benefit of the Atonement, not a primary one
Jesus could not have borne both hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia on the cross
Jesus could not have borne female-specific illnesses in his own body on the cross
We cannot expect to heal as Jesus did because we are not the Son of God
We cannot heal as Jesus did because he had the Spirit without measure, while we have the Spirit given by measure
Christ's healings were mostly instantaneous; we cannot claim to be able to do his works when we have so few instantaneous miracles
If we really had authority over sickness, we would not need GIFTS OF HEALING
Only some receive GIFTS OF HEALING; this proves that healing is a gift bestowed as God wills
Christ's disciples were told to heal EVERYONE. No one does this today, so we cannot say we have the same authority they did.
Getting "healed by faith" is too difficult
Preaching divine healing shipwrecks the faith of many
Jesus turned down requests to stay and heal more
It's not always God's will to heal -- he didn't heal many at Nazareth
Some "faith healers" have been exposed as money-grubbing charlatans
Some healing ministers and their families have gotten sick
I've seen "healing ministers" push people down and it was no more God than it was Santa Claus
So-and-so who preaches healing got his doctrine from so-and-so, who got his doctrine from so-and-so, who was into cult theology
Divine healing is practiced by false cults
The "word of faith" movement is a cult
This teaching encourages people to have faith in their faith instead of faith in God, and is therefore cultish
To demand that God use supernatural instead of natural means to heal you is to hold God hostage
God is not a vending machine
Some people have been "healed" in crusades of illnesses that were purely psychosomatic anyway
"Faith healing" is simply mind over matter. Unbelievers can and do get healed just by having a positive mental attitude, and it has nothing to do with Jesus.
"Faith healers" call attention to man and thus rob the Lord of due glory
Faith is simply trust in God, not a force that you use to change things yourself
Faith is a gift from God, not something you work up yourself
To say that you received your healing by your faith glorifies you instead of God
We should use our faith for souls rather than selfishly seeking our own healing
You imply that if anyone is sick, he is in sin
The doctrine of faith healing puts the sick under condemnation
The doctrine of faith healing is cruel to parents who have lost children to illness
You can have greater peace by accepting your illness than by struggling to get healed
God told Hezekiah to use medicine (a poultice of figs)
Elisha did miracles, yet died of an illness
Epaphroditus worked closely with Paul, yet was sick unto death
Stephen was full of faith and power, but died anyway
Jonah was brought to the point of death so that he would learn obedience
3 John 2 is a greeting and cannot be claimed as a promise
Psalm 103:3 is a parallelism for forgiven sins and does not mean that God heals all physical diseases
Romans 8:11 refers to the resurrection, not this life
1 Cor 6:19-20 is about avoiding fornication and should not be used as a healing proof-text
Anointing with oil in James is intended to be medicinal
James' command on what to do with the sick proves that we CAN get sick
James' command makes it clear that we should expect to be sick, then healed, then sick, then healed, not always healthy
James 5 in context speaks of a believer who has sinned and spiritual healing
James' command was for the dispersed Jews, not all Christians throughout time
Jesus said it is better to enter heaven with one eye or hand than to go to hell
"Claiming" your healing is an arrogant attempt to twist God's arm
Saying that healing depends on you creates a new gospel of works
Sometimes God wants you to witness to someone in the hospital
God sometimes leads faithful saints into "wilderness experiences"
God uses sickness to "break" us
God can lead others to salvation through the pain and death of a saint
God sometimes heals crybaby Christians who bug him enough just as he gave Israel a king when they kept bugging him -- even though it wasn't his perfect will
Only some people have the "gift of faith" to believe for healing
Today doctors have replaced the ancient practice of faith healing
Sometimes God's path for your healing is through a doctor rather than the supernatural
God creates evil (Isaiah 45:7), kills, and wounds (Deut 32:39)
Demons were only a superstitious way of explaining illness long ago
God clearly SENT plagues in the Old Testament. We cannot say that God never makes people sick, because he obviously did.
Like any loving parent, God sometimes has to tell his children NO for their own good
Sometimes God says, "Yes," sometimes he says, "No," and sometimes he says, "Wait" when you ask for healing
God can and did "play favorites" with healing; Jesus was only sent to the Jews, and Gentiles were excluded from God's healing covenant
If God could even refuse to answer Jesus' prayer (Matthew 26:39, 42), he can refuse to answer yours
Before we pray for a healing in faith, we must pray to see if it is God's will in this case
God only answers prayer when you ask something that is his will
Jesus said to say, "Thy will be done," instead of demanding healing
We should pray, "If it be thy will" concerning our healing