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How to get more faith

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There is only one effective way to get more faith:

"So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God" -- Romans 10:17.

If you want to have more faith, you need to hear more of the word of God. Even if you mentally acknowledge what it says, you must continue to reflect upon it and speak it to yourself. This hearing is not a one-shot deal where you hear it once and go your merry way. This refers to a continuous process of hearing the Word repeatedly. The Word itself produces faith.

If you look up the word word in Romans 10:17 in a concordance, you will discover that it is the Greek word rhema, which denotes a direct word from God to you and not simply the Word in a more general sense, which would be translated logos. You must spend time thinking about the Word before it becomes rhema to you and not simply logos. You must receive God's Word as his personal message to you.

"But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach" -- Romans 10:8.

Faith will come automatically when you keep hearing God's promises. They are not mere facts but spirit and life. When you get full of the Word, you get full of faith without consciously trying to do so! This is so simple that it's amazing more people don't see this, and thus resort to the ineffective means shown below. God's word is the "word of faith." Faith and the Word go together.

Many believers do not need more faith; they simply need to act on the faith that they already have. The man in Acts 14:7-10 was an example of this.

Here are some ineffective ways to try to get more faith:

Praying for more faith

This didn't work for the apostles, and it won't work for you.

Luke 17:5-6

Here Jesus pointed out that you do not need "great faith" to do something, but you need to act on the faith that you have. You do the majority of acting your faith with the words of your mouth. "Ye might say unto this sycamine tree...."

Trying harder to believe

This involves a struggle to "make yourself believe" something. Prepare for a lot of frustration and not much faith. God never commanded you to try to believe anything. He just commanded you to believe his words.

But there is a difference between believing his words and just trying to believe that you are healed. If you have no Bible basis for believing that you can receive healing as a gift from God, you will not develop more faith. You will stay frustrated and sick! If you still have doubts that the God of the Bible has promised to heal you, the solution is to continue to listen to and read his promises over and over. You will find that believing will start to happen naturally in you without it seeming like an impossible struggle.

Praying in other tongues

You are commanded to build yourself up on your most holy faith (Jude 20), but this verse does not say that speaking in tongues produces faith. It can help you enter into rest and become sensitive to the Holy Spirit so that you can hear the Word better, but faith still comes by hearing the Word, not by praying in other tongues. When you pray in other tongues, you are speaking mysteries that your mind does not understand. You will charge yourself up to act on whatever faith you have, but you will not get more faith.

Denying your circumstances

You will not develop faith by trying to forget your problems or by pretending that they don't exist. Doing so is not faith at all and only gives you practice lying to yourself. Faith does not deny that the problem exists; faith denies the problem the right to continue existing based on what God says.

Looking at improvement in your body for encouragement

Faith is based solely on God's promises, not on any apparent improvement of your condition. It does not matter to faith if you seem to be getting better or worse. You can rejoice at improvement, but remember that it is faith that creates improvement. Then you won't be shaken off your stand of faith if suddenly symptoms worsen or reappear in your body.

Hearing exciting testimonies

Testimonies will excite you and motivate you to believe God for yourself, but you cannot base faith on the experience of anyone else. Just because God healed someone else with your condition does not mean that you will receive your healing. What will you do if you hear that someone with your condition died? Your faith must rest solely on God's Word. Then, even if no one else you know gets any results, you still can. Of course, to the extent that someone's testimony involves the Word of God, your faith will be built by hearing the promise that someone else believed.

The other problem with testimonies is that many are given at crusades by people are healed by the gifts of the Spirit, not their faith. Someone could give a wonderful testimony of receiving this way, but you have no guarantee apart from your faith that YOU will receive such a healing. It's quite possible that in his mercy, God will suddenly heal an unbeliever who has no idea what's going on. God is looking for believers to BELIEVE and not rely on the gifts of the Spirit to receive healing.

Condemning yourself for your little faith

You will never get anywhere by chiding and belittling yourself. "Oh, I must be a 'ye' of little faith. God must be so displeased with me. I really am a failure at believing God. I should have more faith. What's wrong with me?" You will never develop great faith if you keep tearing down what little faith you have. You will just make yourself miserable.


God does seek you to worship him, and failure to do so will definitely hinder you in every area of your life. However, you do not get faith by worshipping God. Worship is an expression of the faith that you already have, not a means to get more.

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