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Why you can believe in divine healing and not get healed

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Many people all over the world attend good churches that preach and teach divine healing. Their statement of faith says that Christ's atonement purchased your healing. Yet they are not healed! If you ask them if they believe in healing, they will assure you that they do. They know all about 1 Peter 2:24. They know what Matthew 8:16-17 says. They have heard that God heals all their diseases, as Psalm 103:3 says. They know that God is the Lord who Heals You from Exodus 15:26. They may be able to quote many more verses about healing. If you tried to tell them that healing is not for all today, they would never believe you. Yet they are sick! Sometimes the church people are just as sick as the world when a stupid little virus goes around. How can this possibly be?

They know that there are hindrances to healing. They are not walking out of love. They are not in unforgiveness, envy, strife, or anything else that would keep their healing away. They are walking uprightly before God. Yet they are still sick!

It is possible to believe in divine healing and never get healed. You can have 100% correct theological doctrine about healing and stay sick. That is because you do not get healed by believing in the doctrine of divine healing!

You need to believe in the doctrine of healing to get healed, but you do not get healed by simply believing that Jesus bore your sicknesses for you. You do not get healed simply by believing that God is both willing and able to heal you, or even that he surely would heal you.

You get healed when you receive your healing from God. You have to receive it. There is a big difference between agreeing with the doctrine of healing and believing that you personally have received your healing. If you merely assent to the fact that divine healing is for all today, you have not done what Jesus said to do. You have not believed that you received when you prayed. That is the key step. You can get everything else right, but if you do not pray and believe that you receive your healing, you will stay sick unless medicine and doctors can help you.

I would hazard to say that most of us who theologically believe in the doctrine of divine healing do not have as much "heart faith" as we think we do in the matter. We think we believe it until we get sick, and then we let our bodies tell us what is going to happen. We haven't really let it become a part of us. We let the seed get planted, but we don't take the time to water and care for it. If you just go to church once a week and hear that healing is for you, but you never take the time to reflect on and speak these Scriptures about yourself out of your mouth, your faith will never be where it needs to be. You will be frustrated, knowing in your head that you should be healed, but not seemingly able to overcome your senses when it comes to receiving healing. If you want to be a person of faith, there is a price tag. You need to study God's Word diligently and speak it out of your mouth. Get used to hearing yourself agree with God about your healing. Then, when you get sick, it won't be so hard, because your words have agreed with God all along. You can just keep saying what you're used to saying.

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