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Speaking to mountains, trees and diseases

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You can speak to a mountain and command it to be removed. You can speak to a tree and command it to be removed. You can speak to a disease in your body and command it to be removed.

Jesus said explicitly in Mark 11:23-24, Matthew 17:20 (see Matthew 17:14-21) and Matthew 21:18-22 that you can speak to a mountain and it would be cast into the sea. Of course, there is little practical value in speaking to a mountain. These days, some lawyer would probably file a class-action lawsuit against you on behalf of the owners of coastal property that was destroyed when your mountain crashed into the sea.. Jesus was showing what power faith-filled words have; power that literally could throw an entire mountain into the sea. There is no point in trying to water down what Jesus said. It's nothing in comparison to what God did, anyway. He spoke and all the mountains and everything else came into existence in the first place.

Jesus said explicitly in Luke 17:5-6 and Matthew 21:18-22 that you can speak to a tree. Jesus did so himself, and the disciples saw the results of Jesus' faith-filled words spoken to an object.

Don't freak out because Jesus said that you can speak to objects that are not sentient beings. He said you can, and he demonstrated it. It's futile to argue with the Son of God about something. He spoke to the wind and waves, and they obeyed him. Wind and waves don't have ears to hear you any more than trees and mountains do. (I've heard of mountaineers, but they're something different.) Yet Jesus spoke to such things and got results!

If you can speak to a mountain and you can speak to a tree, you can speak to disease in your body or someone else's body. This is of far more practical use than in telling a sycamine tree to be uprooted, especially in many locations where you might expose underground cables and get in trouble with the local utility companies. If you can command a great big lump of rock and earth to be gone, it's a far smaller thing to command a lump of cancer to be gone. If you can command a tree to be yanked up by its roots and removed, it's a far smaller thing to command arthritis to be yanked up by its roots and removed.

It should follow from the statements that Jesus made that you can speak to diseases just as you would speak to mountains or trees. In fact, Jesus demonstrated this fact explicitly. He rebuked the fever in Peter's mother-in-law in Luke 4:38-39. In Mark 7:32-37, Jesus spoke to a deaf ear and commanded it to be opened, and it was. This is not the only way to minister to a sick person; you can simply lay hands on the person in obedience to Mark 16:15-18. Even when you do this, you should do so with the understanding that you are exercising your authority over the sickness that is in the person's body.

The fact that you have the right to speak to diseases is a neglected key to ministering to the sick. It is right to pray for the sick inasmuch as we should pray that the sick get a revelation of God's healing covenant. However, it is not right to "pray for the sick" if that means that we should ask God to heal the sick. No one in the New Testament ever asked God to heal a sick person! Instead, Jesus and his followers took authority over sickness and taught the truth about healing. Instead of "praying for the sick" in the modern sense, they preached the gospel (which includes healing) and healed the sick in the name of Jesus. (Paul prayed before he laid his hands on Publius, but Luke did not say that Paul prayed for Publius's healing.) You will see better results when you quit "praying for the sick" and start speaking to sickness, exercising your authority over it in the name of Jesus. Don't ask God to do something that he has already delegated authority to you to do.

Take authority over that disease that is in your body. Don't ask God to heal you because you are out of agreement with his Word when you do that. God says that you were healed by the stripes of Jesus. Agree with that instead and thank God for it. Command disease to leave your body in the name of Jesus. Remember that Jesus backs his name when you use it. When you ask anything in his name, he will do it. When you command the disease to leave your body in the name of Jesus, Jesus himself personally backs his name and Jesus himself forces the disease out and heals your body.

When it comes to other peoples' bodies, you need their consent and cooperation. If the person is an unbeliever or a young Christian, he must at least allow you to speak to his body and his condition in the name of Jesus. You should explain what you are doing first, of course, so that the other person can agree to the best of his ability. Also, if you don't explain yourself, the person may misinterpret you if you say, "I command you to leave in the name of Jesus, you foul thing!" With more mature believers, you are really praying the prayer of agreement together with them, uniting your faith against the disease as you speak to it.

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