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Healing and the Holy Spirit

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Part of the Holy Spirit's job is to guide you into all truth (John 16:13). You have not been left to figure out healing on your own! As you may have seen in these discussions, there can be many reasons that people don't receive healing other than simple lack of faith. The Holy Spirit knows which, if any, is a problem for you. If you're having difficulty receiving your healing, ask the Holy Spirit to help you!

He can show you what, if anything, you're doing wrong. Perhaps he will tell you to go and make things right with an offended relative or church member. Perhaps he will deal with you about attitudes that need to change. Perhaps he will point out an area in which you are being disobedient to the known will of God.

He can also show you the parts of Scripture that you need to understand better. Only he really knows what you need to hear. Trust him to open up the Scriptures to you. Ask him to give you revelation knowledge of God's Word concerning healing. He may lead you to certain verses that will give you the insight you need to receive your healing. He will make the Bible come alive to you.

You have a Helper on the inside. Let him do his job and help you. The Holy Spirit wants you to get healed! He will help you if you ask him to. Ask! Jesus said that those who ask receive, that those who seek find, and those who knock get it opened to them. God said to call on him and he would show you great and mighty things that you don't know (Jeremiah 33:3). Take God up on his promise!

You have a Strengthener, an Advocate on the inside. Avail yourself of his services. He wants you help you get your healing.

Since it was the Spirit himself who anointed Jesus of Nazareth to heal the sick (Acts 10:38), and God now promises to pour out of his Spirit on all flesh (Acts 2:17), it makes sense that the same healing, life-giving Spirit will help you receive healing from God!

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